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The election of a new mayor ended an eight-year reign by the incumbent and introduced laws to cap development, preserve greenspace, and reduce corporate influence. Despite legal challenges, the new laws were largely upheld, resulting in the creation of a new district and the island being declared fully built-out.

May 1, 2299 (2023)


More than two hundred years after the bombs fell, the city has emerged as the first world-class society in the new world. This puts the city in both an exciting and terrifying position at the forefront of the future of civilization—a role its leaders do not take lightly. The city has expanded horizontally through land reclamation and vertically through relaxed building height restrictions.

October 30, 2297 (2022)


Historically, the island has been home to two settlements: Spectacle and Randy. With Spectacle city limits practically built-out, city leaders approved a measure which effectively added the entirety of the island to its jurisdiction, creating the Coastal Forest neighborhood and transforming Randy. Today, the region has emerged as a destination in its own right, standing on its own in terms of architecture, entertainment, historic preservation, and nature.

Mar 13, 2295 (2022)


The island has experienced a construction, economic, and population boom unprecedented in the post-war world, and all in a brief time. Lately, city leaders have focused on expanding the city limits by creating new land through land reclamation methods. Three brand new neighborhoods later, the city limits of Spectacle are virtually built-out, putting pressure on Randy to pick up the pace.


Dec 31, 2291 (2020)

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Randy: a dark past, haunted present, and unpredictable future

The region is known for its divergent camps scattered throughout the forest and seashore preservations, a charming town center full of preserved historic architecture ripe for repurposing, and industry—the latter of which has also caused the region to be known for its corruption, economic crash, environmental ruin, and civil unrest.


Nov 6, 2291 (2020)


Spectacle: the new great green jewel of the Commonwealth

On any given day, the population of the settlement doubles with visitors and workers. At night, the city boasts a thriving night life scene complete with bars, breweries, live music, museums, parks, restaurants, shops, and theaters—to name a few. This is a result of years of surveying, planning, design, construction, and economic development initiatives.